Monday, May 7, 2012

Wendy's New Sweet Potato Side

Have ya'll heard the news? Wendy's is offering three new sides on their menu and one of them happens to be a baked sweet potato! The sweet potatoes are estimated to run out by mid June so these sweet spuds won't be around forever. Nevertheless, this is ground breaking for a few reasons:

  1. Wendy's is the first fast food chain to carry baked sweet potatoes
  2. A fast food chain is attempting to offer 'real' food
  3. Now anyone anywhere can have a baked sweet potato whenever they please!
The new sweet potato is served with a side of cinnamon buttery spread but according to the Huffington Post "the sweet potato is soft, chewy and naturally sweet on its own" so if you're hitting up Wendy's for a fast, healthy meal the sweet potato side is a viable option. 

Since sweet potatoes are so filling, I can see myself making it the star and adding one more menu item to complete my meal. Here are a few ways I would work the sweet potato into my Wendy's meal.

  • Sweet potato topped with a side of chili - sweet n' savory, you know where I'm going with this
  • Sweet potato with a side of spicy chicken nuggets and bbq sauce - have you had sweet potatoes and bbq sauce? Try it, then let's talk! 
  • Apple Pecan Chicken Salad with a sweet potato on the side - the perfect fall meal!

 How do you plan on enjoying the new side?

1 comment:

  1. Not bad idea for potato, maybe i do some experimenting with filling.
