Monday, December 5, 2011

A Quick and Easy Holiday Recipe

Spicy Sweet Potato Patties

Thanksgiving has come and gone and all of my sweet potato recipes were a hit. Now we can turn our attentions to the upcoming Christmas season. December seems to be moving rapidly past and along with the threat of snow, each new day brings more things to do. This weeks recipe is perfect for anyone feeling the time crunch. It is fast, healthy and easy. You can make it from leftover sweet potatoes (of course, I never have any left over), and you can make it early and freeze for an upcoming party or get-together. This recipe has just the right amount of spice to add warmth to a cold winters night and plenty of nutrients to fuel another day of shopping, traveling, decorating and holiday activity.

1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
4 eggs
5 cups grated raw sweet potato ( or 5 cups plain mashed sweet potatoes)
1 cup grated onion
3/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 teaspoons diced fresh red chili or 1/2 teaspoon ground chili powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

1 In a medium mixing bowl, beat the eggs, then mix in remaining ingredients and spices.
2. Heat a large, heavy-bottomed skillet and oil lightly. Drop batter by spoonful into the pan and cook slowly on each side until cakes are very golden on each side, about 25 minutes. If you started with mashed potatoes, it may cook faster. Keep warm under a tea towel while cooking the remaining cakes.

Makes 12


  1. Hello friends,
    I came to your blog and have been reading along your posts. I decided I will leave my first comment.

  2. These sound awesome! I make a similar recipe that it more like cheese crackers using the grated sweet potatoes, egg whites, and parmesan cheese

  3. Sabrina
    These are amazing. So good with India food and nutritious for breakfast, brunch, anytime. Thank you a big old Christmas bunch!

  4. Love this recipe!

  5. This is the most awesome recipe I have ever had that has to do with sweets! I love your writing style. Brenda
