Monday, February 21, 2011

2011 Sweet n' Healthy Blogger Recipe Contest

It's time for our blogger contest, now in its 3rd year! For those of you who have entered before, we're doinig things a little differently this time:
  • First off, we are focusing on health. Why sweet n' healthy? Well we all love sweet potatoes for their sweet dense flavor, but as everyone is learning, sweet potatoes are a nutrition powerhouse and that is a huge bonus. So this year we want recipes that use sweet potatoes in a way that'll get our health in gear, either as a meat replacement, a replacement for the typical junky kid foods or as a replacement for sugar. Take that natural sweetness and run with it!

  • Secondly (and lastly), because we have three recipe categories, we are awarding grand prizes of $2,000 to a winner in each category! AND since deciding on a winner is always hard enough, we'll be choosing a runner up in each category who will recieve a $200 gift card to Williams-Sonoma. Not too shabby eh?

Are you up for the sweet n' healthy challenge? Get your ovens burning, your water boiling and your grater shredding - show us what you got! Here's how to enter:

1. Create an orginal recipe using fresh sweet potatoes as the key ingredient. Your recipe must fall under one of the following categories:

  • Kid-friendly

  • Vegeterian

  • Sugar-free

2. Post your recipe and photograph on your blog before March 21, 2011.

3. Email us at with your:

  • Name, phone number, mailing address

  • Email

  • Blog name

  • Category

  • Link to your recipe

  • Where you heard about the contest

Recipes will be judged on taste, importance of sweet potato, orginality and ease of preparation. For complete rules and details, visit our website. Good luck to everyone and let the cooking begin!


  1. Wow, great prizes. I am going to get my mother to enter!

  2. I could use $2000. I'll try to come up with something original.

  3. OMG thats a lot o prize money

  4. Makes me wish i had a blog :(

  5. awesome. I love contests.

  6. I have a couple of recipes that will work for this. I'll have to write them up.

  7. good luck everyone!

  8. i could i can't wait to see the entries. There were a lot of creative ideas last year.

  9. I can't wait to see the entries either. I love recipe contests.


  11. Last years recipes were so creative, I can't wait to see the winners!

  12. It's a great chance for those people who are doing something different in the food and recipe field. I appreciate your post.

  13. I like it, it's a great job to launch a sweet blogger recipe contest.

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