Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Warm Sweet Potato Oatmeal

This morning's breakfast idea came to me as I was getting dressed for work. Sweet potato oatmeal - why didn't I think of this before! I love a bowl of warm oatmeal when it's cold out, it's so healthy and comforting and an easy way to get your daily fiber. Health.com considers oats a super food because it helps lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease and possibly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. It's also a rich source of magnesium which works to regulate blood-sugar levels. But remember, we're talking the real oats that you make on the stove top, not the flavored instant kind!

You might think that eating oatmeal every morning could get boring, but there are dozens of ways you can eat your oatmeal and not get sick of it. I was probably subconsciously influenced by our guest blogger Kath from Kath Eats Real Food. She has a whole section on her blog devoted to oatmeal! Check it out: Tribute to Oatmeal.

I baked a small sweet potato this morning, but this is a great breakfast to make when you have some leftover mash from dinner. Banana and sweet potato make a great pair and I used chopped hazelnuts for texture; I think pecans would be great too. I also added a drizzle of maple syrup (I used Canadian grade B for a strong maple flavor) to bring it all together. And if you put all this in a blender with your favorite milk and some ice, it'd make a great breakfast shake! With all the fiber from the oats and the potato, this breakfast will surely keep you satisfied well into the lunch hour.

Sweet Potato Oatmeal
1/2 cup cooked oats
1/4 cup sweet potato mash
1 banana, sliced
2 tablespoons chopped nuts (I used hazelnuts)
1 tablespoon grade B maple syrup

In bowl, combine cooked oats, mashed sweet potato and 2/3 of the banana slices; stir until you have orange oatmeal. Garnish with remaining banana, chopped nuts and maple syrup. Serve warm.


  1. OMG, This sounds so awesome. THX!!

  2. it looks wonderful, I love the color

  3. Sweet potatoes and maple are a natural combo

  4. Can't wait to try this with a little cinnamon.

  5. Hi Cristy ~ Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed my sweet potato soup. It's really nice to hear when someone tries your recipes. Your oatmeal with sweet potato and maple syrup looks good, too.

  6. I am going to double the recipe, and try it in the morning. I have a feeling it will become a regular at my house. I love anything with maple syrup and nuts.

  7. Very rich and delicious. I added a little nutmeg to mine.

  8. I have been eating oatmeal almost every day since it started getting cold. I can't seem to get enough. Thanks for the new ideas.

  9. sounds delicious

  10. tried it this morning it was great

  11. This would have been good this morning. Maybe tomorrow...

  12. I am going to serve this at my pre-thanksgiving breakfast.

  13. going to give this one a try, too
